Feed4 / 14 April 2021
Feed4: Jenn’s Furry Friends Rescue
Feed4: Jenn’s Furry Friends Rescue (Global Pet Foods #751, Winnipeg, MB)

Store Name: Global Pet Foods #751
Store Address: 1220 St. Mary's Road, Winnipeg, MB R2M 3V6
$1 for Every Nutram Bag Supports: Jenn’s Furry Friends Rescue
Jenn’s Furry Friends Rescue is a Winnipeg animal rescue founded in 2012. Jenn focuses on helping injured, sick and special needs animals. She has taken in cases such as spinal injury, congenital defects, rickets, heartworm, fractures, blindness, cerebellar hypoplasia, and many more. Her belief is that all animals deserve a chance to heal and be loved. These special needs animals are rarely turned away by Jenn's Furry Friends and in some cases, they cannot be saved but an attempt to give them a fighting chance is what is deserved. If that cannot happen, at the very least, they feel loved in their last days.
Jenn's Furry Friends is well known in Winnipeg for their work and commitment to special needs animals. To name just a small handful of those helped by Jenn's team, there is Alvin (who was run over by a car and left for dead and once found, needed his leg amputated), and Eli (who was also run over and found on the side of the road, needing surgery, therapy and a wheelchair to assist with his permanent paralysis), and Ginger (who was mauled by a pack of dogs and was eventually found emaciated, covered in mange, and had multiple serious puncture wounds that were badly infected). These special needs 'furry friends' require costly surgeries and hospital stays, intense therapies, and much love, care and patience. Jenn's Furry Friends often assists other rescue groups by taking the special cases from them if they are not in a position to deal with such difficult care needs and therapies. As such, they are an important part of the community.
Jenn, a single Mom of 3, and her small team of volunteers work to step in and allow animals who have been badly neglected, injured and/or mistreated and are in need of intense medical intervention and have difficult recoveries ahead of them, to have a chance at a life full of love, good health and family. Jenn and her team work tirelessly with their veterinarian and foster parents to nurse these animals with special needs back to health and to make them into pets that will thrive around caring humans.
In many cases, these pets have no experience with, or trust in humans and require experienced people to assist in mending these relationships before healing physically and mentally can begin. Jenn's team is knowledgable and caring and commited to a providing a positive future for these animals and making them their 'furry friends'. Jenn and her team bring many of these animals into our store to fit them with sweaters, jackets, boots and collars, while shopping for food, supplements and supplies needed to nourish their badly injured bodies.
Our store and our customers are often happy to assist in providing products and funds to assist Jenn's team. Most recently we met Aiden, a small puppy with a traumatic brain disorder, and broke the hearts of many as Jenn tried her best to get a difinitive diagnosis and welcomed him into her home and family and loved him with all her heart while his small body shut down. Our hearts go out to these animals and to the dedication of the Jenn's Furry Friends team as they selflessly fit the care for these animals into their already busy work and family lives and into their homes, without giving it a second thought. For this team, it is just naturally the right thing to do.
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