Feed4 / 20 April 2021
Feed4: Saint John SPCA
Feed4: Saint John SPCA (Global Pet Foods Saint John, NB)

Store Name: Global Pet Foods Saint John
Store Address: 80 McAllister Dr #5, Saint John, NB E2J 2S5 / 600 Fairville Blvd, Saint John, NB E2M 4Y7
$1 for Every Nutram Bag Supports: Saint John SPCA
The Saint John SPCA provides care for sick, injured, homeless, lost & unwanted pets. Here are some stories of their rescues:
1. December 2020 - Frankie
We were called to pick up an injured stray. We quickly discovered he had a large wound on his front right leg that required emergency care. He was immediately taken to a veterinary clinic. After being examined the veterinarian said his wound was a ruptured abscess most likely from a cat bite. She said he required a skin graph in order to close the large wound. We were able to fundraise to cover the cost of the operation.
He has spent the last two months healing and is doing very well. He will be ready for adoption soon.
2. July 2020 - Tin Tin
We were called out for a cat in distress. The caller said he found a cat with a tin can stuck on its head. Once we arrived, we saw the cat had large dog food can stuck on his head. Unsure of how long the cat has been in this situation he was immediately taken to a veterinary clinic to prevent any further suffocation. He was skinny and dehydrated. He stayed at the clinic for a few days for monitoring. Once he was feeling better, he was able to be neutered and returned to the shelter. He was adopted two months later.
3. February 2020 - Cocoa & Babies (Cinnamon, Basil, Nutmeg and Curry)
Cocoa, a beautiful Holland Lop rabbit was found on a street in Rothesay. She was a little underweight but otherwise healthy.
After a short stay at the shelter she gave birth to four babies. They would not have survived outside as Cocoa was a domestic rabbit. Mom and babies went to foster care. When it was time, the babies were separated from mom and she returned to the shelter. The babies returned to the shelter when it was time and all were adopted.
Global Pet Foods NB is devoted to the holistic health of pets. We love animals and believe that every pet deserves a second chance at a loving home and a furmily to call their own.
Unfortunately, there are thousands of neglected, abused, ill and unwanted pets who are surrendered or abandoned in New Brunswick every year.
The SPCAs in our province work tirelessly to help these poor animals, through rescue, rehabilitation, and adoption. They also speak out for those who can't speak for themselves, with a strong voice and action against animal cruelty.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, shelters like the SPCA have been struggling to meet the funding requirements they need to continue the amazing work they do. Major annual fundraising events have been cancelled, eliminating critical sources of financial support.
At Global Pet Foods NB, we support local animal rescues and shelters with regular donations of food and supplies, as well as an annual fundraising campaign. Even so, it isn't enough to help all of the rescues, shelters and animals in our communities.
That's why we are thrilled that Nutram has stepped up to help out too! There is so much to love about 100% Canadian-Made Nutram Pet Foods! Since we started selling Nutram in our stores, we have heard plenty of wonderful feedback from our customers and Pet Care Specialists. We are looking forward to growing sales of this brand even more in 2021, with $1 for each bag sold being donated to the four SPCAs in the communities we serve!
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