Pet Parenting / 3 December 2019
5 Ways to Keep Your Indoor Cat Occupied Over the Holidays
With the winter weather upon us, it becomes more and more compelling to stay indoors. Here are five tips to help your feline friend (and you) avoid “cat”bin fever this holiday season!

With the winter weather upon us, it becomes more and more compelling to stay indoors rather than venturing into the cold. While comfortable at first, before long we usually become cooped up and restless—and cats are no different. Here are five tips to help your feline friend (and you) avoid “cat”bin fever this holiday season!
A cat’s favourite present—the gift box itself
A classic and cost-effective solution for keeping your cat occupied for hours this holiday season is a simple cardboard box. Cats seek out enclosed spaces like boxes because of their instinctual desire to hide from predators and to be in an advantageous position to stalk prey. You’ll likely find that once your cat is in its box it becomes more playful and rambunctious, which is an indication of a feeling of connectedness with its ancestral home in the wild.
Cozy up by the fire
According to Mother Nature Network, cats crave warmer climates because their ancestors are desert animals. While they often have a generous fur coat, they still seek out and relish external sources of heat, like fireplaces. You can make an afternoon of it and cozy up in the living room with your cat while the winter rages outside. Your furry friend will likely be entertained all afternoon, but a good book and a hot chocolate is recommended for its human companion.
Make your cat a holiday treat
While for some, the best part of the season is the panoply of sweet treats to choose from at every get-together, cats have no ability to taste sweetness. So, keep the cake and cookies for yourself and surprise your cat with a menu more to its taste—something bitter and protein-based, like tuna or cooked eggs. Your cat will likely prefer its treat at a warmer temperature, as this will indicate that the fare is fresh (like newly caught prey).
A day at the spa
An at-home spa day is a great way to keep your cat entertained and pampered during the chilly holiday season. You can begin by grooming its coat with a stiff brush or comb to start the relaxation process; the purring should commence almost immediately. What’s more, regularly grooming your cat in this way can help prevent hairballs. After the updo, let your cat give itself a manicure by buying or creating a scratching post—there are many great ideas online on how you can make your own. Your cat should now be ready for the final event, a massage! Arrange a blanket or small bed in the corner and pet your cat until it’s time for a nap to close out the pampering.
Turn on some tunes
If you cat is acting a bit restless, why not put on some music to distract it from the long winter? There is some evidence that cats do respond to musical sounds, but their favourite tracks might be a little different than what us humans are used to. In 2015, scientists at the University of Wisconsin created “cat music”, an amalgam of sounds that was an octave or so higher than the human voice, using the tempo of different things that cats enjoy, like purring. Cats apparently respond very positively to these new beats, but you might want to keep your headphones on while your feline friend discovers its new favourite band.
These tips should keep the season “wild” for you and your pet and give you an opportunity to experience the holidays from a feline point of view, where the ideal day is warm, high-pitched, and not too sweet.
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