Travel & Life / 12 August 2016
How To Take the Perfect Pet Instagram
Who doesn’t love taking photos of their pet? Here’s how you can nail that perfect photo for all the likes.

Your pet is obviously incredibly cute and meant for Insta-stardom, but capturing the perfect photo of them can be a challenge. Whether it’s getting them to stay still for a clear shot or getting the lighting just right, we’ve got the tips that you need to know to capture the best photos of your cat or dog in any setting. Plus, since science has shown that looking at cute photos of animals helps to reduce stress and improve productivity, it’s basically for the greater good. Read on so you can help capture some great memories to share!
Take advantage of natural light.
To get the best photos, natural lighting works wonders. Taking photos outdoors is ideal or find yourself a bright spot indoors near a window.
Play with perspective.
Instead of taking photos of your pet from the same angle every time, try switching it up. Take photos of them from above, straight on, peeking around a corner, or have their head poking in from the top of the frame.
Get your pet’s attention.
One of the most difficult parts of pet photography can be keeping your pet still long enough to get a clear shot. Hold their favourite toy or a treat just outside of the frame and you’ll have them focused for long enough to get the photo.
Throw in some props.
Incorporating some props into your photos will help you to snap a cute and memorable shot of your pet. Got some great sunglasses and a pet with just enough patience? Distract them.
Get in there with your pet.
There’s a special bond between pets and their pet parents and don’t forget to take photos of you together throughout the years. You may not always think of doing it, but you’ll love having these photos to look back on later.
Having the best tools is a bonus.
Our phones have come a long way. They tend to be equipped with some great cameras to help you snap some great photos, but if you want to go the extra step then invest in a great camera and some photo editing software to get the best photos possible. If that’s out of your range, downloading apps like VSCO or A Color Story can help you to edit the photos you snap on your phone to perfection.
Happy snapping! Now that you’re equipped with all of these tips, be sure to share your favourite photos of your pet with us over on Instagram. We’d love to see them!
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