Holistic Nutrition / 16 September 2016
Ingredient Spotlight: Blueberries
Blueberries are one superfood that's great to add to your pet's diet!

Nutram's Optimum Combinations were created with your pet's health in mind. When considering what ingredients are best for your pet, a good place to start is the natural ingredients that you would consume yourself. Ingredients that are naturally beneficial for you can often be just as beneficial for your pet. One such ingredient that is both delicous and bursting with goodness is the blueberry!
Blueberries are an incredibly healthful ingredient. They're low in fat, high in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants, making them a superfood! A great addition to your dog's diet.
The blueberry is notorious for being a powerful, natural antioxidant. The antioxidant comes from the pigment found in blueberries, called anthocyanin. This compound helps to protect your dog's cells against free radicals, which can cause cell and tissue damage. One study using sled dogs found that a diet with blueberry supplementation caused a significant increase of antioxidants in the dogs after they exercised. This finding suggests that dogs fed blueberries while expending energy may be better protected against oxidative damage, which can lead to glaucoma, peptic ulcers, heart disease, and cancer. One specific antioxidant, ellagic acid, which is found in blueberries works to block certain metabolic pathways that can lead to cancer. Just another bonus of a diet that includes blueberries.
Blueberries also work to promote a healthy urinary tract system in your pet. Containing similiar compounds as cranberries, blueberries can help to prevent or eliminate urinary tract infections. The compounds found in blueberries work to reduce bacteria's abillity to become fixed on the lining of the urinary tract, thereby decreasing the likelihood of an infection forming.
The compounds found in blueberries also work to protect your dog's brain from 'oxidative stress', which can cause age-related conditions. Studies have shown that the blue-red pigments found in blueberry antioxidants can cross the blood brain barrier, and thus make their way into regions of the brain related to learning and memory. One important study showing that oxidative damage impairs cognitive function was able to prove that antioxidant treatment, such as consumption of foods rich in antioxidants resulted in significant cognitive improvements in their canine models.
Finally, blueberries promote a healthy cardiovascular system. The antioxidants of the blue-red pigments found in blueberries improves the integrity of the structure of veins, as well as improving capillary function.
Our recipes that feature blueberries:
- T25 Nutram Total Grain-Free® Trout and Salmon Meal Recipe Dog Food
- T28 Nutram Total Grain-Free® Trout & Salmon Meal Dog Food
What recipe is the best option for your pet? Take our Nutram Number quiz to find out!
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