Pet Parenting / 15 February 2019
Keeping Your Indoor Cat Active
Many indoor cats aren’t able to get enough exercise or amusement that is needed for them to stay active and healthy. Check out these suggestions to keep your cat active and healthy!

Many indoor cats aren’t able to get enough exercise or amusement that is needed for them to stay active and healthy. Many people find their cat just sleeps and eats… Not a bad life but mixing in some exercise is always needed.
More times than not, owners aren’t sure what they can do to keep their indoor cat active in the comfort and safety of their house. It isn’t as hard as it may seem and hopefully with our few suggestions, you’re able to bring some exercise and excitement into your indoor cat’s life!
1. Homemade Toys
Having toys for your cat doesn’t have to be intimidating or costly! Cats are often intrigued and playful with pretty well anything and everything. A lot of things that your cat can play with are things you already have at your house that you may not have considered as a cat toy. A prime example is a shoelace. New or old, dangle it around your cat and chances are it’ll start attacking it and trying to run away with it.
2. Purchased Toys
Going to your local pet store and purchasing a few new cat toys is never a bad idea. Often times, they are fairly inexpensive and it will give your feline hours of enjoyment. You can buy balls that they will either chase when you throw it, or they will bat it around the house when they’re alone. Also look for small, odd shaped toys that will move across the floor when pawed at, to really drive their activity level. A laser pointer is also a great toy to intrigue their natural prey drive. They will chase the light around along the floor or a wall, giving them the extra activity level they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
3. A Tree or Tower
Because cats love to jump, claw, and climb on things, climbing trees or towers are a great investment. It will surely get your cat active whether they run and jump up it, or stay along the ground and scratch against it.
4. Play Time
Never underestimate how much your cat will enjoy playing games with you each day. Even something you think is simple like throwing a ball off the wall will get them excited and moving. Many cats end up lying around or sleeping when they’re left alone all day with nothing to do, but when they get to interact with you, everything is even more enjoyable.
As you can see, keeping your indoor cat active and playful can be easy and doesn’t have to break the bank. Sometimes all a cat needs is a lose string to spark their imagination. Watching them paw a toy around the house, run around, or bolt up an indoor climbing tree will bring you peace of mind knowing they’re activity level is contributing to their overall wellbeing.
Nutram recommends always supervising your cat during playtime with any homemade or store-bought toys to ensure their safety.
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