/ 28 April 2016
Meet the #NutramOTC Pets (Part 1)
Meet the pets that are taking our Optimum Transition Challenge and transitioning to Nutram!

This week kicks off the start to our Optimum Transition Challenge. We challenged 11 pets and their pet parents to join us in a 30-day wellness experience to help promote healthier lives for pets across Canada.
Over the next 30 days, these pets will transition onto a holistic diet tailored to meet their dietary needs - and will be sharing their transition tips, tricks, and their experience along the way. Say hello to some of the amazing pets joining us on the journey to wellness:

Bachaesh is a four year old Yorkie Shih Tzu who is wise beyond his years. His name means “buddy” in Farsi, which makes sense since he acts like a human in a dog’s body, and would much rather spend time with his “humom” than with other dogs. Bachaesh doesn’t waste his time with toys and prefers to play outdoors whether the sun is shining or snow is falling. While he typically keeps his fur squeaky clean, you can sometimes catch him rollin’ dirty through the sand in running long jump pits.
Be sure to follow Bachaesh’s journey over here and on Twitter and Instagram.
Kobe and Mya
Kobe is a 15 year old Tabby cat. He was found on the streets when he was just one year old - that’s when his wonderful pet parent, Karen, adopted him. Kobe likes to play nonchalant at first, but he's actually really cuddly once he's given humans the ‘OK’. You have to play it cool with him, and then he’ll come around to loving you.
Mya is a seven year old Calico. She was a kitten when Karen met her as a volunteer bottle feeding kittens at the Toronto Humane Society. Mya is energetic and a bit crazy, and won her pet parent over with her big eyes and half-orange face. She greets everyone by flipping onto her back so her belly can be rubbed.
You can follow Kobe and Mya’s journey over on their pet parent’s blog here or on Twitter and Instagram.
Hailey and Zaphod
Hailey is a six year old mutt who was rescued from a high kill shelter at just three weeks old. Her rambunctious and crazy personality as an eight month old puppy is what led her pet parent, Kristen, to start blogging in the first place. Now that she’s grown up, Hailey is an observant and brilliant dog, and knows just how to work you when she wants a treat. She may be a bit aloof when you meet her, but it’ll be clear once she’s made you part of the pack member. So clear in fact, that she’ll literally jump three feet for joy when she sees you.
Zaphod (pronounced ‘zay-fawd’) is a five year old Shepherd mix who was found wandering the highway outside of Ottawa before being adopted. While he had a rough start to life, his sweet and gentle personality makes him loved by his family and others. In fact, once Zaphod caught a baby groundhog and carried it gently, like a mother would carry her pup, to show his pet parents. With his active personality, Zaphod loves to play ball, fetch and swim, but unfortunately, suffers from motion sickness. Dogs - they’re just like us!
Follow Hailey and Zaphod’s journey over here or on Twitter.
Learn more about our Optimum Transition Challenge and get a custom diet plan for your pet here.
Don’t miss these other OTC blog posts!
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