/ 2 May 2016
Meet the #NutramOTC Pets (Part 2)
Meet the pets that are taking our Optimum Transition Challenge and transitioning to Nutram!

This week kicks off the start to our Optimum Transition Challenge. We challenged 11 pets and their pet parents to join us in a 30-day wellness experience to help promote healthier lives for pets across Canada. See the other half of the pets taking part in the challenge in this post here!
Over the next 30 days, these pets will transition onto a holistic diet tailored to meet their dietary needs - and will be sharing their transition tips, tricks, and their experience along the way. Say hello to the rest of the amazing pets joining us on the journey to wellness:
Lincoln and Maverick
Lincoln is a one year old pure bred French Bulldog, whose bursts of playful, but mischievous, energy make him known to have a spitfire personality. Wherever he goes, you’ll know he’s coming because of his grunting, the typical Frenchie sound. This little bat pig blogs on LincolnTheFrench.com occasionally—well, when he isn't catching a nap or getting into something. You can follow Lincoln’s adventures on Instagram at @LincolnTheFrench.
Maverick is a six year old pure bred French Bulldog who is loveable and sweet-natured. This lucky sire will also be dad to a litter of puppies in May - too cute! Maverick’s favourite hobbies include relaxing and supervising his mom while she works - though sometimes, he nods off and sleeps the day away on her office couch. He also shares his life on Instagram as @MaverickTheFrench.
You can also keep up with these cute pups on their pet parent’s blog here or on Twitter and Instagram.
Indigo, Mouse, and Newman
Indigo was adopted 10 years ago from a family whose kids had developed severe cat allergies. Now 15, Indy loves lots of attention - there’s no such thing as over cuddling with him. Indy is the ultimate lap cat, no matter where you are in the house, he’ll find your lap and stay there for as long as you’ll let him. House guests beware - take a seat and you’ll find Indy comfortably perched in your lap all night.
Mouse is a 10 year old Tabby cat. His pet parents found him as a three week old kitten hiding on a cold morning in their car's engine block trying to keep warm. Now, he's affectionately known as the 'King" of the household because he thinks he runs the show (and to be fair, his pet parents admit he actually does). He’s gentle, yet bossy, and extremely vocal when he wants food and attention.
Newman was adopted from the Durham Humane Society two years ago. Now at nine years old, he’s an ultimate diva. Newman doesn’t walk, he prances - and you can be sure to always catch him checking himself out in mirrors. He also earned the nickname "the hat" because he likes to climb into bed at night and wrap himself around his pet parents heads to sleep.
You can follow along with their journey over here or on Twitter or Instagram.
Charlie - officially Princess Charlotte - is a rambunctious, extremely vocal eight month old kitten who was rescued from her dad's construction yard. Charlie loves to play and destroy anything she can get her paws on and always keeps her pet parents on their toes. She doesn't believe in cat stereotypes - she loves water and can be found hanging out in the sink and especially the toilet if someone leaves the lid up. A true Torontonian, Charlie enjoys watching the Jays, Leafs, and Raptors and always feels like she'd do a better job at keeping her paw on the ball or puck.
You can learn more about Charlie at her pet parent’s blog here or on Twitter or Instagram.
Learn more about our Optimum Transition Challenge and get a custom diet plan for your pet here.
Don’t miss these other blog posts!
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