Pet Parenting / 11 March 2016
Pet Tips For Small Apartments
One of the most important factors when considering pet ownership is the space that you will be living in with your new friend. It’s a popular opinion that living in a large home with lots of outdoor space is ideal, but that is not necessarily the case for all pets.

Living in a small space can still be a great experience for your dog or cat but in order to make the best of your living situation, keep these tips in mind and you’ll keep your pet healthy and happy.
Be Realistic
One of the best things is to simply be realistic about your space. If you’re apartment is especially small, having a big dog may not be the best idea. Put in some time to do some research beforehand since some breeds are better suited for apartments than others. If you don’t think that your space is going to be well suited for a dog and really want to have a pet, consider going the cat route instead.
Socialize Your Pup
If you’re living in a small space then chances that you’re living in close proximity to other people and lots of noise. You’ll want to acquaint your pet with sounds to help ease their nerves because if it’s not used to the noise, it’ll get anxious and tend to bark more. Don’t assume that your dog will automatically be comfortable. One of the best ways is to slowly introduce them to the changes in a safe and calm way to help them get adjusted. Try taking them for long walks and find a dog park in your area so they can get used to other animals and people being around.
Plan Around Your Level
The needs of your pup will also be dictated around the level at which you’re living. If you’re living in a low-rise or on a lower level apartment, it may be easy enough to get in and out with your dog during the day that potty breaks won’t be a problem. However, if you’re higher up then you may want to consider training your puppy to use pads or indoor grass pads such as Fresh Patch. Many condo and apartment dwellers swear by those!
Consider a Dog Walker or Daycare
This is a smart investment is you work full time and work away from home. Pets aren’t meant to be left alone for extended periods of time. Help take care of both their mental and physical well being by hiring some help. Having a dog walker come will help to break up the day for your pet, give them some exercise, and they’ll be less lonely. If your dog is still in training stages, have the dog walker come for several small walks throughout the day and if your dog is already trained then one long walk in the middle of the day should do the trick. Doggie daycare is also a great option to ensure that your pup isn’t lonely throughout the day and is being active in your absence.
Have you lived in a small space with pets? Tell us your favourite tips over on Facebook!
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