Pet Parenting / 26 July 2019
Tips on Letting Your Indoor Cat Outside
Having an indoor cat can be a lot of fun. Not worrying about them getting into trouble outside or having something happen to them can help with your stress levels knowing that they’re safe. However, sometimes indoor cats want to experience life outside of the home. So what’s the best way?

Having an indoor cat can be a lot of fun. Not worrying about them getting into trouble outside or having something happen to them can help with your stress levels knowing that they’re safe. However, sometimes indoor cats want to experience life outside of the home. So what’s the safest and easiest way to let your indoor cat outside?
The first thing you should ask yourself is does your cat even want to go outside? Some cats will sit by the window or try to walk out of the door once you open it. Others may not show any interest and even avoid the door once it’s open. If you’re cat doesn’t show any interest, it’s best to leave them be instead of forcing something unwanted onto them.
Once you figure out that you’re cat does want to go outside there are different things to watch and do to make sure they stay safe while outside. The first thing is make sure you give your cat your undivided attention. When they’re outside, there are so many new and interesting things they will be experiencing for the first time. If you aren’t watching your cat for even a minute, that’s enough time for them to chase something or run away causing more issues for you and them.
Another great tool to use is a cat leash. This works really well if you’re worried about your cat bolting away. You can put your cat on a leash and tie the leash to a sturdy object. This way you’ll know how far your cat will be able to wonder and you won’t have to worry as much about them getting into trouble. You should still watch and check on them as things could still happen and your cat could run into another animal or other things that aren’t good.
Once outside, there are things you need to recognize and adjust to that your cat won’t be used to. A big thing is the hot summer sun. If you’re cat has only been inside, they haven’t experienced the full effect of the summer heat. If they get too hot, they are able to just find a cooler place to lay or go to their water bowl to have a drink. If they’re outside, they may not have these options. This could cause them stress or even dehydration causing more health problems. Be sure to have shade available to them or bring their water out as well. Keeping their outside time short on hot days is also smart to avoid possible health conflicts.
Letting your indoor cat outside will allow them to experience a whole new world than what they’re used to. They’ll have different things to feel, scratch against, and smell. This also means there are some things that they may be interested in but could be harmful. A big thing is outdoor plants. With it being a new smell and texture, your cat may be interested in exploring it and maybe even tasting it. This could pose a threat as there are different bacteria and diseases on it that your cat may have a negative reaction to and could affect their health. Keeping your cat away from plants and watching to be sure they aren’t chewing on them is best to avoid getting your cat sick later on.
An excellent way to help keep your cat safe outdoors is putting up an outdoor cat enclosure. This will help keep unwanted plants and other animals away from your cat while allowing your cat to spend time outside in the fresh air. Some enclosures also help produce shaded areas inside allowing your cat to be more comfortable while outside on hot summer days.
Allowing your indoor cat some outside play time can be fun for you as well as beneficial for you. Taking the correct steps towards making their time outside safe is very important for them. The last thing you want is for your cat to go missing or get themselves into trouble.
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